Bringing blue collar jobs back with e-learning

Bringing blue collar jobs back with e-learning

In her article, Tess Taylor describes a certain challenge which every company does or will have to face: "how to prepare the next generation of industrial workers to perform complex jobs in the age of computer-enabled systems". And she is right that this is "where the...

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Oh mein Bot! – ChatBots

Oh mein Bot! – ChatBots

Wie Torsten Fell im Blogposting schreibt, "beginnen Chatbots (Chat+Roboter) gerade, sich als transformative Interaktionsart für Unternehmen und Marken zu entwickeln." Dem kann ich nur beipflichten. Ich persönlich bin das erste Mal im Sommer 2016 durch das...

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“Wer gut ist kommt weiter, egal, wo er herkommt”

“Wer gut ist kommt weiter, egal, wo er herkommt”

Bildung für alle! Diese Demokratisierung wird nun möglich. Helfen sollen dabei digitale Technologien, zumindest wenn es nach diesem Artikel geht. Ein toller Beitrag! Jörg Dräger & Ralph Müller-Eiselt: Die Zukunft des Lernens: Wie die Digitalisierung die Bildung...

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Videos will continue and podcasts will raise

Videos will continue and podcasts will raise

I agree to Tess Taylor who says in his post that "video will continue" and that the most learning videos are too long. It’s probably true that the length of learning videos is often too long, but it is too long because it is often too boring. As I wrote in one of my...

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There is hardly an industry, hardly a topic where a musical comparison can’t be drawn. Personally, I do like musical comparisons, because they are descriptive and generally understandable. And as it seems, Sandhya Hedge would agree, for in her blog post, she also...

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(Online) Education in Austria needs to get a groove on

(Online) Education in Austria needs to get a groove on

The more I’m reading, working and talking with people from abroad, the more it’s becoming painfully obvious that, as a country, Austria is deeply behind in (online) education. These last few months I’ve had the opportunity to visit conferences, workshops and events...

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Science, it’s a Girl Thing

Science, it’s a Girl Thing

It's been four years since I stepped in front of the camera for "Science - It's a Girl Thing". I still have to chuckle each time I think about the pink design and the teaser. It was a fiasco. But the topic to convince high school girls - especially from...

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