We will become our own teachers

We will become our own teachers

The problem with today’s training department is that it is actually not “today’s”, but “yesterday’s”. It is trying to manage their employees’ learning instead of focusing on how to make the learning itself be more exciting and useful. As Josh Bersin wrote in his...

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Good teachers can make a huge difference

Good teachers can make a huge difference

Whenever I reminisce with people about school life and what was good about it, most people always end up at some really good teacher. Students need good teachers to help them explore, dream, care, become lifelong learners. Teachers who bring their passion and...

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Where are the computer science bridge programs in Austria?

Where are the computer science bridge programs in Austria?

According to this article, New York University launched a computer science bridge program for liberal arts graduates. It's called "Bridge to Tandon" program and offers basic instruction on programming, algorithm development and system fundamentals. I'm still missing...

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Wie das Internet Dörfer retten kann

Wie das Internet Dörfer retten kann

Während darüber diskutiert wird, das Gratis-WLAN am Westbahnhof in Wien als Kriminalitätsmaßnahme einzuschränken, gibt es andernorts noch nicht einmal Breitbandversorgung. Überhaupt scheinen Städte stärker im Fokus zu stehen, wenn es um die Digitalisierung geht. Von...

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42 reforms the education system for coders

42 reforms the education system for coders

In October 2016 has opened the first university without any teacher in California, trying to do to education what Facebook did to communication and Airbnb to accommodation. It's called 42 - the name taken from the science fiction series The Hitchhiker's Guide to the...

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Führung: Das Wesentliche wurde unsichtbar

Führung: Das Wesentliche wurde unsichtbar

"Junge Generationen, aufgewachsen mit dem Internet, verlangen nicht nur nach flexiblen Arbeitsweisen und sozialem Engagement, sondern stehen für eine Revolution von Arbeit und Leben", schreibt Julia von Winterfeldt in ihrem Artikel. Sie hat aus eigener Erfahrung...

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Digital Leadership am Beispiel von Google

Digital Leadership am Beispiel von Google

"Viele Manager denken immer noch traditionell, wenn es um „Digital Leadership“ geht – so lauten zumindest die Ergebnisse zahlreicher aktueller Studien", wie das im Blogposting von Katharina Dorp beschrieben wird. Auch ich kann dieses Ergebnis bestätigen und habe immer...

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Recording clear audio for your e-learning

Recording clear audio for your e-learning

Voice recording is becoming more common in our life. Not a day goes by that I don't send a voice message via What's App. Whether in car, on long walks through the city or during cooking, voice recording is unbelievably useful. Therefore it's only a matter of time...

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