This is a selection of EdTech startups, organizations and inititives in Austria. Each of it below is 100% real, and carefully hand-selected. With no further ado, here is our extensive guide for what to pay attention.
- 123sonography, online courses for ultrasound and echocardiography
- Acadybot, learning bot
- Acodemy, programming course platform for kids and teens
- ACP eduWerk
- ArchäoNow, interaktiven Augmented Reality Rätselrallye Wien
- ARchimedes, Your pocket math tutor
- ARCreator, platform to develop interactive learning scenarios
- Areeka, erweckt durch Augmented Reality Schulbücher zum Leben
- Artivive, platform for bringing art to life
- Audvice, corporate training platform with audio
- biz:Examiner
- Busuu
- Catrobat, educational apps for children and teenagers
- cBook (Learn Tomorrow), platform to create, curate & author digital learning content online
- chabaDoo, learning portal
- ClassNinjas, Mathematik-App mit animierten Lernvideos und Quizzes für die Unterstufe inkl. Online-Nachhilfe (
- Click & Learn
- Coachfox
- Coursalytics, executives education marketplace
- CQ Net, education marketplace for management skills
- DaVinciLab, fördert Kinder, um zu bewussten und kritischen Gestaltenden der digitalen Welt zu werden
- Druckster
- edhu, application for communication between teachers, parents, and students
- edustore & educom, education marketplace
- eduvidual, Learning Management System
- Erdbeerwoche, platform for menstruation and female hygiene
- E-Sec, Security Awareness, Datenschutz, Arbeitssicherheit & Compliance 3D E‑Learning
- eSquirrel, gamified learning apps (quiz app for courses and textbooks) for students
-, state-of-the-art audience response system
- Fretello, assist app for guitar learning
- Galacta, online learning course platform
- GeoGebra, online math learning resources for students
- GoStudent, tutoring service provider
- GRADUAID, tutoring service provider
-, AI powered learning platform
- Helbling
- iMoox, MOOC platform
- Innerspace, virtual reality based training solution for professionals in the life science industry
- Investment Punk Academy
- kidsfox
- KnowledgeFox, training app for onboarding and sales
- LawStar, online learning platform for law students
- LearnChamp
- LearningApps (TU Graz)
- LearnMatch, gamified language learning app
- Lecturize
- Lingvano, Gebärdensprache online lernen
- Lingophant, language learning app
-, Learning Management System
- MAIA, artificial intelligence tools for informed consent education
- Mathe Arena, mobile Lern-App für Mathematik
- MatheHero, math training for the school leaving exam
- MED Mastery, platform to build clinical skills
- MeKiBu, Kinderbücher online gestalten
- Mimo, mobile-based learning platform for coding
- Noahow (hollu Systemhygiene GmbH)
- NeuKurs, online course platform
- Ovos, playful trainings, serious games and web solutions
- Paperpile, web based reference management platform
- playbrush
- playmit, quiz portal
- Pocket Coach, digital coaching platform to cope better with anxiety
- Polycular, creative digital solutions
- Pro Active Audio, audioconferencing solution
- QuickSpeech
- RoboManiac, bietet Online Programmierkurse, Sommercamps und Workshops für Kinder und Jugendliche zu den Themen MINT und Robotik
- Robo Wunderkind, smartphone controlled robotic device for kids to learn coding and robotics
- Schoolfox, school messenger, digital assistant and learning management system
- SchuBu, interactive schoolbook
- SIA (Lemberger Bildung), schoolbook interactive
- skillbest
- Smart Learning
- SmartNinja, programming course platform for adults
- Studify, community for students
- StuDo, app for studying
- Studyly
- Swircle, AI-Kinderbuch
-, P2P online learning platform
- The Brain Company, learning platform
- The Ear Gym, platform of musical learning and training application
- Three Coins, Bildungsformate im Bereich der Finanzkompetenz
- Timebite
- Trumpetstar, assist platform for trumpet learning
- Untis, Stundenplanerstellung
- Ugotchi, Programm, dass Bewegung und Ernährung kombiniert und einfach in die schulischen Abläufe integriert
-, übersetzt TV-Programme in alle Sprachen mit dem Ziel, Fremdsprachen zu erlernen
- Vocationeers, Training platform for surgeries
- Vroodles, virtual reality doodles
- Waltzing Atoms, student performance in real-time
- Whatchado, career platform for young professionals
- Windhund
- Yoovis, learning platform for students