Bootcamps und Coding Schulen

Software EntwicklerInnen bzw. ProgrammiererInnen sind weltweit gefragt wie nie zuvor. So ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass es mittlerweile eine Fülle an Bootcamps und Coding Schulen gibt, mit denen man den Einstieg in die Software Entwicklung schaffen kann. Viele Bootcamps und Schulen, bei denen du das Coden lernen kannst, sind online und kostenlos. Wir stellen hier AnbieterInnen vor – auch erfahrene EntwicklerInnen können hier noch etwas lernen.

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Online Platforms/Websites to learn coding (for free)

  • Codeacademy, a programming education company in New York City that boasts introduction courses in HTML, JavaScript and CSS worldwide
  • Copy Assignment, website to learn coding for free with focus Python, ML & AI
  • DataCamp, Online Data Science Training in short videos followed by hands-on-they-keyboard exercises
  • FreeCode Camp, earn free verified certifications in Responsive Web Design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, Front End Development Libraries, Data Visualization, Back End Development and APIs, Quality Assurance, Scientific Computing with Python, Information Security, Machine Learning with Python, Responsive Web Design
  • Geeks for Geeks, website to learn coding for free with focus C++, Java & Python
  • Java T Point, website to learn coding for free with focus C++, Java & HTML
  • Learn Code the Hard Way, Primarily Python and Ruby courses with videos and texts. Also includes C, SQL, Command Line Interface (CLI), and Regex
  • LearnStreet, a Platform to learn JavaScript, Python, and Ruby languages in a simple two-part web browser interface, lessons on one side of the browser and a command line interface on the other side
  • Onemonth, die auf eine Laufzeit von einem Monat ausgelegten Kurse umfassen je nach Wunsch die Themen Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Growth Hacking, iOS und Programmieren für AnfängerInnen
  • Practicum by Yandex, 6- to 10-months online coding bootcamp in web Development, data science, or data analysis
  • PyLadies – international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community through outreach, education, conferences, events and social gatherings
  • Rails Girls, a global phenomenon teaching the basics of programming to young women everywhere; the workshops are organized by volunteers in over 250 cities
  • SheCodes, hands-on coding workshops for women, solid introduction to product development, product design and product management
  • SkillFeed, Video courses in a wide range of programming, web design, and related topics
  • Thinkful, offers both flex and immersion coding bootcamps online
  • Treehouse, online coding classes for at-home learning
  • Tutorials Point, website to learn coding for free with focus C++, Java & Python
  • VueVixens Front-End Foxes School, create and host educational events to teach front-end technologies to women, free self-driven code labs completed in a workshop format in groups with mentoring by volunteers, either online or in-person, online, class registration required


  • Ubiqum Code Academy, offers immersive coding bootcamps that help turn beginners into web developers in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Lisbon, and Madrid
  • Academia de Código, 14 weeks full-time bootcamp to prepare people with no previous coding experience to begin a career as a junior full-stack developer
  • Careerfoundry, Online-Schule, die sich an EntwicklerInnen und DesignerInnen richtet und in von MentorInnen begleiteten Schulungen Kenntnisse zu den Themen Prototyping, HTML, Bootstrap, jQuery oder Ruby on Rails vermittelt
  • CodingClub
  • CodeDoor
  • Code Fellows, offers a complete software development curriculum at five levels: Beginner, Foundations, Intermediate, Advanced, and Continuing Education
  • CodingNomads, offers a number of coding and web development bootcamps, including programs focused on Java, Django, and Python, and their corresponding tools and applications
  • CodeOp, international coding school for women
  • Codeworks, offers two full-time, immersive coding bootcamps
  • Epicodus, a 20-week full-time bootcamp in full-stack web development and part-time courses in introductory programming and JS + Reac
  • Grace Hopper Program, a 17-week, immersive software engineering bootcamp that distinguishes itself by being the first JavaScript-focused coding bootcamp launched exclusively for women-only that offered deferred tuition
  • Hack your Future, free 7-month web development program for talented refugees and other disadvantaged groups with limited access to education and the labor market
  • Ironhack, offers a variety of technical bootcamps, including its Web Development course — a full-stack development class available in either a full-time or part-time format
  • Juno College of Technology, offers classes and free workshops in Web Development, JavaScript, UX Design, Data Analytics, and more
  • Nucamp (US, AT), offers coding bootcamps either fully online or in a hybrid format that combines online and in-person classes at one of its locatio

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